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Every time we use more vibrators
Every time we are more accustomed to using sex toys, toys called XXX for your moments of pleasure or with your partner.
According to a study by the prestigious University of Indiana, states that vibrators are complementary in sexual relations and very common among couples in the United States.
This research by teams of Dr. Debra Herbenick and Dr. Michael Reece and based on the development of two surveys the first one among women 18 to 60 years and the second among men in the same range age, revealed that more than half of the women had used a vibrator, both individually and as a couple and that the use of this supplement by men in relationships with their partners stood at 44.8 percent.
One of the most significant and curious aspects of this study is that women who use vibrators recognize normally, they perform gynecological controls more assiduously and show a more open toward sex besides feeling more desire, arousal, lubrication and more intense orgasms attitude.
These data confirm what many doctors and therapists witnessed for years in relation to the frequency of use of vibrators among women, a habit associated with a serious and positive sexuality, which favors desire and has no adverse consequences.
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